Numerology Calculations The Most Accurate Method

When it comes to numerology you want to use a proven method that will give you accurate results. A lot of misinformation is put in free online calculators that can cause you to have an improper idea of what your life path is. 


The first thing you need to know is you have two numbers that are very important. The first is your Life Path number. This is a guide you can use to grow in life, your life path is your compass to reaching your full potential. The second number is your expression number, this is YOU this is your personality and how you express yourself. 

There are other calculations such as your day of birth, your birth year, and pinnacle numbers as well. We will go over these as well and their varying degree of effect on the whole that is you.

First we will start with the LP number this is derived from your date of birth. For example, we will use 06/11/1995. When you are calculating the LP number you break the birth date down entirely  to single digits.

Disregarding master numbers in this step will prevent improper calculations leading to impure master numbers or even one not being recognized in the first place.

So for this date we will add 6+1+1+1+9+9+5=32. This is known as a compound number which unless it is a master number we will further reduce this by adding 3 and 2 equalling 5.

This is your Life path number. I will go over the meaning of each number including the master numbers in another lecture.

Your expression number is calculated from your full name at birth, another energy that is imprinted upon you like the date. This number from letters system has a very long history with roots in Isophecy.

I feel that we collectively create our reality so our language and way of communication is part of this. Numbers are how we describe the flow of this energy. The chart that best translates for accurate letterology is a simple reduction of Gematria or the alphabet into what is known as the pythagorean method.

Luxe Mystery school carries this system of reduction but we have devised our own meanings for each of these numbers.Pythagorean Reduction System

So with my name Austin Dakota Bright, you get 1+3+1+2+9+5+4+1+2+6+2+1+2+9+9+7+8+2=74/11. My Expression number is 11, a master number so no reduction at this point.

Your day of birth number is the day you're born, for example, the 7th or 23rd. The reduction for this is only with non-master compound numbers...

Your birth year is another reduction you can do to see the energy of the universal year you were born and how that may have affected you. 

For Example the year 1999 is a universal 1 year. the energy of that year carries the energy of the individual and competition. 

Next you have the pinnacle numbers These numbers are lessons you carry as you grow as a person. 

The lesson number is calculated for each as below:

  1. First Lesson: Month + day =
  2. Second Lesson: Day + year =
  3. Third Lesson: First lesson + second lesson =
  4. Fourth Lesson: Month + year =