Who is Austin The Divner?

Austin The Diviner

Austin The Diviner is a profoundly insightful individual whose wisdom and depth have set him apart from a young age. From childhood, his perceptiveness amazed those around him, hinting at the remarkable abilities he would later fully realize. Growing up in a house that was once a funeral home, Austin encountered a presence initially dismissed as an imaginary friend. This ethereal experience was validated when his grandmother witnessed it on her deathbed, affirming the mystical encounters that shaped his early years.

Austin's extraordinary gifts continued to manifest in astonishing ways. As a child, he prophetically predicted the events of 9/11 two weeks before they occurred, a premonition that left everyone spellbound. His intuitive powers also saved his mother's life when he had a vivid vision of her impending danger and intervened just in time. These experiences, combined with the loss of his beloved grandmother, ignited Austin's insatiable thirst for knowledge, driving him to explore the realms of the occult, spirituality, and hidden wisdom.

Guided by an unwavering desire to uncover the secrets of the universe, Austin delved into various mystical practices, including energy work and honing his psychic abilities. His profound understanding led him to establish House Statera, an online mystery school dedicated to guiding and empowering individuals on their spiritual journeys. As his wisdom grew, so did his quest for esoteric knowledge. He embarked on a pilgrimage through diverse religious paths, from Gnosticism to Norse Paganism. Uncovering hidden truths and weaving together the profound insights each tradition offered.

Throughout this transformative journey, Austin was drawn to the enigmatic realm of divination. Utilizing his psychic abilities, he mastered the arts of tarot, runes, and scrying. Years of dedication to these sacred practices enriched his understanding of their timeless wisdom and symbolism. Documenting his early experiences in a book, Austin provided a testament to his alluring and mysterious path.

Driven by captivating encounters and a thirst for worldly wisdom, Austin spent two years as a nomad, embarking on an odyssey across the United States. During this time, he met fascinating individuals and immersed himself in the diverse tapestry of human experience. This soul-stirring journey deepened his resolve to embrace his extraordinary gifts and share his profound insights with the world.


In 2023, after returning to his home state of Ohio, Austin founded Luxe Mystery School, a school dedicated to practicing and developing various forms of occult studies, including divination-based sports betting and marketing predictions. He has amassed a number of students and boasts a 75% accuracy rate in sports betting. In addition to his achievements in divination, Austin is a Reiki Master, BaZi expert, numerologist, and astrologer. His diverse expertise and dedication have solidified his reputation as a leading figure in the mystical arts.

Today, Austin The Diviner stands as a worldly and mysterious figure—a former Rosicrucian, psychic, spiritual consultant, and astrologer committed to guiding others on their quests for self-discovery, empowerment, and the mysteries of the unseen.

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