Astrology of the Last Supper - 12 Students 12 Zodiac Signs

Astrological Interpretation of "The Last Supper"

The Astrological Interpretation of "The Last Supper"

The theory that Leonardo da Vinci's famous painting "The Last Supper" contains astrological symbolism is one that has been proposed by some scholars and historians.

While this interpretation is not universally accepted, proponents of the theory argue that various elements of the painting, such as the positioning of the disciples and the symbolism of certain objects, align with astrological motifs.

Here's how the astrological interpretation of "The Last Supper" might unfold:

  1. The Twelve Disciples:

    Some proponents of the astrological theory suggest that the twelve disciples seated around Jesus represent the twelve signs of the zodiac. Each disciple's pose, expression, or placement at the table could be seen as reflecting the characteristics associated with their corresponding zodiac sign.

  2. The Position of Jesus:

    In some astrological interpretations, Jesus himself is seen as representing the sun, with the twelve disciples symbolizing the twelve houses or divisions of the zodiac around him. This arrangement mirrors the symbolism of the sun at the center of the astrological chart, exerting its influence over the twelve signs.

  3. The Window:

    In the background of the painting, there is a window with three panes, which some theorists interpret as representing the three astrological modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. This interpretation aligns with the idea of the window symbolizing the passage of time or the changing seasons, which is a central theme in astrology.

  4. The Bread and Wine:

    The bread and wine on the table have been interpreted symbolically in various ways, including as representations of the elements of earth and water, which are associated with the zodiac signs Taurus and Pisces, respectively. This interpretation links the sacramental elements of the Last Supper with astrological symbolism.

  5. The Gestures and Expressions:

    Proponents of the astrological theory often analyze the gestures, expressions, and interactions of the disciples in the painting for clues to their astrological identities. For example, the disciple traditionally identified as Thomas might be associated with the sign of Scorpio due to his probing skepticism, while Judas Iscariot's betrayal could be seen as reflecting the shadow side of Pisces.

Astrological Correspondences of Disciples


Peter (Aries): Peter is associated with Aries due to his vibrant and fiery personality, impulsive nature, and leadership qualities.

Simon (Taurus): Simon, also known as Simon the Zealot, is linked to Taurus because of his materialistic concerns, outspokenness, and refusal to pay taxes.

James (Gemini): James is seen as Gemini because of his multifaceted identity and eloquent speech.

Andrew (Cancer): Andrew is associated with Cancer due to his sympathetic and nurturing nature, as well as his strong attachment to his family.

John (Leo): John is aligned with Leo because of his leadership in the early church, his love for the spotlight, and his vivid descriptions.

Philip (Virgo): Philip is linked to Virgo because of his analytical thinking, inquisitive nature, and meticulous approach.

Nathaniel (Libra): Nathaniel, also known as Bartholomew, is associated with Libra because of his charming communication style, clear opinions, and persuasive abilities.

Thomas (Scorpio): Thomas, known as Doubting Thomas, is aligned with Scorpio due to his suspicious nature, insistence on evidence, and steadfastness once convinced.

James (Sagittarius): James, son of Zebedee, is linked to Sagittarius because of his love for travel, honesty, justice, and intellectual pursuits.

Matthew (Capricorn): Matthew, the tax collector, is associated with Capricorn because of his respect for authority, hardworking nature, and dedication to his job.

Thaddeus (Aquarius): Thaddeus, also known as Judas, is aligned with Aquarius because of his curious and questioning nature, as well as his loyalty to friends and detachment from conflict.

Judas (Pisces): Judas Iscariot is linked to Pisces due to his betrayal of JesusJudas Iscariot is linked to Pisces due to his betrayal of Jesus, subsequent remorse, and withdrawal from reality, reflecting the traits of Pisceans.