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Luxe Mystery School

Basic Chinese Astrology Reading | The Four Pillars Explained

Basic Chinese Astrology Reading | The Four Pillars Explained

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Basic Chinese Astrology Reading | The Four Pillars Explained

This will be a reading explaining your signs and associations for eastern astrology.

Four Pillars Overview

Year Pillar (天干地支 - 年柱):

This pillar represents the year of birth and provides insights into one's family background, ancestors, and early childhood influences. It consists of the Heavenly Stem (天干) and the Earthly Branch (地支) corresponding to the year of birth. The Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch together symbolize the energy of the year and its influence on the individual's life.

Month Pillar (天干地支 - 月柱):

The month pillar signifies one's early or mid-adulthood, including education, career, and relationships during this period. It is formed using the Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch corresponding to the month of birth. This pillar reveals the individual's personality traits, preferences, and potential challenges during this phase of life.

Day Pillar (天干地支 - 日柱):

The day pillar represents the specific day of birth and influences one's individuality, behavior, and inner self. It is composed of the Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch corresponding to the day of birth. This pillar provides insights into a person's character, strengths, weaknesses, and emotional tendencies.

Hour Pillar (天干地支 - 时柱):

The hour pillar signifies the time of birth and offers insights into one's destiny, career path, and relationships in later years. It is formed using the Heavenly Stem and Earthly Branch corresponding to the hour of birth. This pillar reveals additional layers of personality traits, talents, and potential challenges that may manifest in adulthood. Each pillar interacts with the others, creating a complex matrix of energies that shape an individual's life path, personality, and destiny. BaZi practitioners analyze these pillars to provide guidance on various aspects of life, including career choices, relationships, health, and personal development.

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